Our Building Envelope Services

Arnold & Associates has the tools, equipment, and personnel necessary to perform a large volume of national and international roofing and waterproofing consulting projects.

Here are three solid and compelling reasons to choose Arnold & Associates’ roofing and waterproofing consulting services to support your next project.

1. Quality. We believe quality starts with quality specifications that quality contractors install. Our professional expertise and years of specialized roofing and waterproofing consulting will provide you with long-term quality systems.

2. Proven Technology. We are independent of any ties with manufacturers, material suppliers, or contractors. With 50 plus years of field, experience has provided us knowledge of technology. We know what works! This, combined with concise specifications, comprehensive construction documents, detailed plans and detailed drawings, and on-site inspections, will ensure the success of your project.

3. High Standards. This begins with each associate setting high standards for his work and carries forward into his document development, contractor pre-qualification, and finally into the standard of the project’s work. You benefit from successful and timely project outcomes that are consistently at or below budget.

Let us help you avoid costly errors with all of your roofing and waterproofing project needs!

Facility Condition Assessment Services:

Arnold & Associates shall orchestrate a team of professional engineers and consultants to perform a comprehensive physical survey of the proposed property, provide Facility Condition Assessment Services to meet specific client requirements and develop a report in accordance with the Schedule of Consulting Fees. Any of the following building elements and components can be included in our standard facility condition assessment survey:

Site Components and Amenities

  • Exterior Systems/Components
  • Structural Components
  • Common Area Interior Finish/Components
  • Mechanical Components
  • Plumbing Components
  • Electrical Components
  • Fire Protection and Life Safety Components
  • Vertical Transportation
  • ADA Compliance
  • A technical report that provides the following information:
  • On-site acquisition of information to develop an inventory of components, warranty information, and historical data.
  • Condition Assessment of each system component.
  • Verification and/or determine the expected service life of each component.
  • Determination of components is maintainable or non-maintainable.
    Ten-year probable cost summary for maintenance and/or capital replacements.
  • Present a comprehensive report of observations, recommendations, and a projected ten (10) year summary of probable costs to the client.
Preliminary Design Services

Preliminary Design Services

Arnold & Associates shall perform a comprehensive observation of the proposed project to develop preliminary design data, detail nomenclature, and to establish project probable cost summary in accordance with the Schedule of Consulting Fees and will include the following:

  • Field identify the source of existing problem conditions.
  • Examination of facility roof and/or vertical wall construction and installation details
  • Review facility requirements for environmental and operational constraints.
  • Develop criteria based on facility environmental and operational constraints – required design changes, primary roof/waterproof system design, alternates to the primary system, and summary.
  • Cross-section analysis of core samples of the deck, roof, and/or vertical wall, sealants, and coating system construction.
  • Establish project probable cost summary based on primary and cost alternative systems of roof/waterproofing and/or waterproofing system for Client approval.
  • Field develop the scope of work required for Construction Documents.
  • Field develop project drawings and details as required for Construction Documents.
  • Present to the Client a technical report that provides the following information.
    Detailed nomenclature of existing project construction.
  • Summarization of existing conditions and photographs that correspond to each of the existing conditions
  • Recommendations based on existing conditions.
  • Project Probable Cost Summary for Client Approval

Our preliminary services ensure that your project documents will be all-inclusive, with very little to no requirements for change orders.

For More Information about our Preliminary Design Services, please call us toll-free at 800-535-6329

Pre-Design/Testing Services for Glass Curtain Walls and/or Masonry:

Arnold & Associates shall retain the services of a waterproofing contractor and/or an independent testing laboratory. Our staff will coordinate their efforts in the performance of pre-design site-related testing and construction work in accordance with the Schedule of Consulting Fees and will include the following:

  • Work with the Client and a Contractor to locate and stage rigging on the building
  • Provide static testing of windows to the modified standards of ASTM E1105
  • Establish procedures required to seal windows and address building leakage properly.
  • Provide in-place testing of window sealing procedures.
  • Work with a contractor to perform destructive masonry procedures to establish the origin of the problem.
  • Establish procedures required to correct masonry problems properly
  • Perform in-place testing of installed corrective masonry procedures.
  • Review testing procedures and findings with the Client.
  • Should corrective procedures involve the designed structural integrity, provide stamped structural engineering reports and recommendations of potential corrective action.
  • Provide core testing as required at (balconies), (plaza deck), and (parking garage) to determine the presence and extent of moisture between the structural concrete slab and the overlay concrete slab.
  • Based on core samples, develop the extent to which overlay concrete must be repaired or replaced.
  • Review core sample findings with the Client.
  • Respect for the clients and their objectives
  • Coordinate findings and decisions from site testing and sample applications into design criteria to be incorporated into the specifications for remedial work.
  • Provide probable cost summary for work based on results of testing.
  • Provide on-site monitoring and coordination of testing and sample area installation.

Our preliminary services ensure that your project documents will be all-inclusive, with very little to no requirements for change orders.

For More Information about our Pre-Design/Testing Services, please call us Toll-free at 800-535-6329

Moisture Testing Services for Roofing and/or Waterproofing:

Moisture Testing Services for Roofing and/or Waterproofing:

Arnold & Associates shall provide an infrared moisture survey on the following designated areas and develop a moisture survey report in accordance with the Schedule of Consulting Fees and will include the following:

  • Instrumented thermographic survey of designated roof areas with Raytheon Model PalmIR 250 Infrared imaging system.
  • Verification of moisture content via moisture probes and/or capacitance sampling where applicable
  • Identification and painting of areas of moisture-laden materials and/or energy loss.
  • Core sample analysis of system construction where applicable
  • Thermographic and photographic documentation of wet area profiles.
  • ASTM moisture content testing as required
  • Present to the Client moisture survey report that provides the following technical information:
    • Summary of survey results with wet area tabulations
    • Core sample summary
    • Recommendations
    • Scaled drawings with wet area locations indicated
    • Thermograms as required for report clarification

For More Information about our Moisture Testing Services, please call us Toll-free at 800-535-6329

Structural/Mechanical Engineering Services:

Structural/Mechanical Engineering Services:

Arnold & Associates shall associate with structural and/or mechanical engineers to perform a comprehensive analysis of the proposed project and Assessment Review Meetingdevelop a technical evaluation report in accordance with the Schedule of Consulting Fees and will include the following:

  • Assess the condition and performance of the structural systems of the building/deck assembly, and evaluate the probable suitability and compliance of the design and code and criteria. We will identify and appraise deficiencies and distress and categorize them by severity. A review of available construction documents and reports will be made to evaluate the design of structural systems and construction programs. Recommendations for subsequent repairs or budget estimates will be developed. Observations shall be made from a visual basis of the exposed components.
  • Field identify and document the load calculation and structural code compliance.
  • Perform structural monitoring as required to determine dynamic structural failure.
  • Establish areas of structural distress and determine the rate of failure.
  • Provide structural design services as required with repair or replacement of roof assemblies.
  • Design to provide new mechanical/electrical equipment required with revisions to the facility.
  • Design to relocate mechanical/electrical equipment.
  • Design for replacement of rooftop mechanical/electrical equipment.
  • Present to the Client a structural/mechanical evaluation report that provides the following technical information:
    • Detailed nomenclature with load calculations of existing project construction.
    • Summarization of existing conditions and photographs that correspond
    • Appraisal of existing construction/equipment remediation alternatives and value engineering.
    • Recommendations based on existing conditions – based on structural analysis and requirements.
    • Project probable cost summary based on structural/mechanical requirements of the existing facility

For More Information about our Structural/Mechanical Engineering Services, please call us Toll-free at 800-535-6329

Construction Document Services:

Construction Document Services:

Upon approval of the preliminary system design and project, and probable cost summary by the Client, Arnold & Associates will prepare related bid assessment Review Meeting and construction documents, specifications, drawings, and related details in accordance with the Schedule of Consulting Fees and will include the following:

  • Review existing conditions with the manufacturer for potential warranty claims and negotiate for possible warranty involvement with repairs/replacement.
  • Prepare Bid Forms, Payment and Performance Bond Forms, and Release of Lien Forms.
  • Insert Owner’s Construction Contractor AIA Contract.
  • Review and include General Conditions and Supplemental Conditions to the Contract.
  • Review and research material properties and Specifications.
    Prepare Scope of Work.
  • Compile Construction Documents, including detailed Drawings and Specifications.

For More Information about our Construction Document Services, please call us toll-free at 800-535-6329

Bidding & Negotiation Services:

Bidding & Negotiation Services:

Upon Client approval of Construction Documents/Project Manual, Arnold & Associates shall provide Bidding Services in accordance with the Schedule of Consulting Fees that will include the following:

  • Conduct Contractor Pre-Qualification Review.
  • Develop a list of pre-qualified contractors to bid required work known to be competent with the work required and approved by the specified product manufacturers for work required to receive the specified warranties.
  • Notify bidding contractors of the date, time, and place of the pre-bid conference.
  • Schedule, attend, and assist Client with Pre-Bid Conferences.
  • Review Substitution Requests during Bidding.
  • Coordinate Requests for Information and Distribute to all Bidding Contractors.
  • Prepare and Distribute Addenda.
  • Review Bidding Results and Prepare Bid Analysis (Tabulation).
  • Negotiate with the Contractor a Suitable Contract Amount (Optional).
  • Make Recommendations to the Owner.
  • Assist in Developing and/or Writing the Owner/Contractor Agreement.

For More Information about our Bidding & Negotiation Services, please call us Toll-free at 800-535-6329

Construction Phase Services:

Construction Phase Services:

Arnold & Associates shall provide Construction Phase Services and coordinate the work of the contractors with the activities of the facility to complete the project in accordance with the Client’s objectives on cost, time, and quality based on the Schedule of Consulting Fees and will include the following:

  • Review shop drawings and product submittals.
  • Schedule and conduct the pre-construction conference.
  • Schedule and conduct progress meetings at which Contractor, Client, and Project Manager can discuss procedures, progress, problems, and scheduling.
  • Processing of applications by Contractors for progress and final payments and forwarding to Client with recommendations.
  • Perform Project Observation of the work of the Contractors to determine whether the work is being performed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
  • Upon the Contractor’s determination and notification to the Client and Consultant of substantial completion, prepare a list of incomplete or unsatisfactory items and observe the erection and completion of final work’s co.
  • Determine final completion, provide written notice to Client, and have Contractor notify manufacturer project is ready for final review.
  • Secure from the Contractor and transmit to the Client required guarantees, affidavits, releases, bonds, and waivers.

For More Information about our Construction Phase Services, please call us Toll-free at 800-535-6329

Project Full-Time Observation Services:

Project Full-Time Observation Services:

Arnold & Associates shall provide Full-Time Project Observation Services to observe the work of the Contractors to determine, in general, if the work is being performed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents based on the Schedule of Consulting Fees and will include the following:

  • Provide On-site full-time field construction observation, quality assessment, and problem resolution.
  • Conduct weekly Client, Contractor, and Consultant progress meetings.
  • Provide weekly conditions and progress reports.
  • Photograph Contractor’s weekly work progress and specific problematic issues and installations.

For More Information about our Project Full-time Observation Services, please call us toll-free at 800-535-6329

Due Diligence for Pre-acquisition and/or Refinancing of Real Estate

Due Diligence for Pre-acquisition and/or Refinancing of Real Estate

Arnold & Associates shall provide Due Diligence Services based on project requirements and Client needs and develop a comprehensive report in accordance with the Schedule of Consulting Fees and will include the following:

Scope of Due Diligence Services – The following building systems and conditions are included in the study. A team of registered engineers and architects with specialties in structural and mechanical/electrical engineering, architecture, and construction will conduct our study. The specialists working on each project have extensive experience in such investigations. Conclusions will be drawn from on-site observations, user interviews, and management/maintenance personnel. Appropriate documents will be reviewed for orientation purposes. Except where indicated to the contrary, no destructive testing or laboratory analysis is included in the basic service outlined herein. The aspects of the property to be studied include:

Site Components and Site Amenities – Construction documents will be reviewed along with site conditions to evaluate the effectiveness of the site drainage system on the subject site or apparent problems caused by conditions on adjacent property.  Persons associated with the project will be interviewed to identify chronic problems with drainage.  This basic study does not include detailed floodplain investigations, hydrological studies, or stormwater regulation compliance audits. Paving walks, landscaping, retaining walls, signage, and lighting will be reviewed.


  • Structural Components – Arnold & Associates and associated engineers will visually assess the apparent condition of the structural system in the building, paved areas, and retaining walls. Any building plans made available will be summarily reviewed, and any unusual design features that merit in-depth investigation will be identified and reported on.  If appropriate, typical details will be spot-checked by physical measurement of the visible structural components used and compared with the specified dimensions and construction techniques to infer general conformance with plans and specifications with respect to the structural system.  Areas that are potentially vulnerable because of design, condition, or use will be examined in particular to determine the need for maintenance, monitoring, or corrective action.


  • Exterior Systems/Components – Building components, including window and wall sections and details, will be examined.  Arnold & Associates will visually examine the property to evaluate the performance of the building veneer, curtain walls, window systems, and doors.  The condition of sealants and details intended to protect the interior spaces from water infiltration will be examined.  Areas that need maintenance or significant repair will be noted.


  • Roof Components – Roof design and details on construction documents will be addressed to identify likely locations of water infiltration.  Arnold & Associates will visually examine the field of the roof, flashings, copings, pitch pans, and mounting details for rooftop-mounted equipment and skylights.  Any evidence of infiltration or deterioration of the system that is likely to lead to infiltration in the near future will be noted.  Review of available maintenance records and talk with available maintenance personnel concerning the maintenance program as part of the survey process.  An estimate of the remaining useful life of the roof will be provided, along with suggestions for any immediate maintenance indicated, if any.  Any additional testing that seems appropriate such as an infrared moisture survey after completing this evaluation, will be recommended.  If a current guarantee protects the existing roof and a specific outside contractor is required to take such samples or make roof penetrations, the cost of retaining such an outside contractor is an additional cost not included in the basic proposal and will be incurred only after authorization.